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Firmware and project update with OPC UA using UaExpert

Firmware and project update with OPC UA using UaExpert Available from firmware version 2022.0 LTS This topic shows how to update a project or the firmware of a PLCnext device using the OPC UA sample client UaExpert. Note: To perform the following steps the user role SoftwareUpdate or Admin is required. Read More

OPC UA file access

OPC UA file access Tutorial video Note: Tutorial videos are embedded from the Phoenix Contact Technical Support YouTube channel.  With playing an embedded YouTube video in this platform, you accept the YouTube Terms & Conditions. Even showing the video previews on this page depends on your personal settings in the… Read More

OPC UA device information 

OPC UA device information  The Device Integration (DI) namespace In compliance with the “OPC UA for Devices” OPC UA Companion Specification, the eUA server provides the following nodes: Node Meaning DeviceManual Path or URL to the user manual. DeviceRevision General revision status of… Read More

OPC UA client XML schema

OPC UA client XML schema Schema file The connection configuration is defined in XML files. It is based on the standard UA schema for data types which can be found here. It is formally defined in this schemathis schema.      … Read More

OPC UA Services 

OPC UA Services  The eUA Server provides these IEC 62541-4 compliant services to client applications:  Discovery Secure channel Session  Monitored item and subscription Reverse Connect (from firmware 2022.9 or newer) Firmware Update with OPC UA (from firmware 2022.0 LTS or newer)   • Published/reviewed: 2024-08-08   ☀  Revision 071 • … Read More

Adding External Information Models 

Adding External Information Models  In this topic, we describe the features that allow the integration of external information models into the embedded OPC UA server of PLCnext: First, the storage of the required NodeSet.xml files is described Then the instance NodeSet.xml as a special form is explained. We show how… Read More


Security This topic refers to the configuration of the OPC UA client regarding the security requirements when connecting to a remote OPC UA server. Supported user authentication The user of the OPC UA client can authenticate itself towards the remote OPC UA server using the following… Read More

Overview to OPC UA with PLCnext Technology

Overview to OPC UA with PLCnext Technology OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is a standardized protocol for industrial IT and OT communication. The following areas of OPC UA are integrated in PLCnext Technology and can be used in your application. OPC UA Server On request, an OPC UA server provides an OPC UA client… Read More

Configuration of the OPC UA server with PLCnext Engineer 

Configuration of the OPC UA server with PLCnext Engineer  You can configure the OPC UA server with the software PLCnext Engineer. For more information about the configuration options refer to the section OPC UA Server in the Online Help of PLCnext Engineer. You can find the PLCnext Engineer Online Help within the software at the Help →… Read More

Module configuration of the OPC UA client

Module configuration of the OPC UA client The OPC UA client can be configured in PLCnext Engineer from version 2023.3. We recommend to use PLCnext Engineer for the configuration (see also Tutorial – OPC UA setup for PLCnext Control). The configuration can also be performed using an additional… Read More