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Overview to OPC UA with PLCnext Technology

Overview to OPC UA with PLCnext Technology OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is a standardized protocol for industrial IT and OT communication. The following areas of OPC UA are integrated in PLCnext Technology and can be used in your application. OPC UA Server On request, an OPC UA server provides an OPC UA client… Read More

Configuration of the OPC UA server with PLCnext Engineer 

Configuration of the OPC UA server with PLCnext Engineer  You can configure the OPC UA server with the software PLCnext Engineer. For more information about the configuration options refer to the section OPC UA Server in the Online Help of PLCnext Engineer. You can find the PLCnext Engineer Online Help within the software at the Help →… Read More

Module configuration of the OPC UA client

Module configuration of the OPC UA client The OPC UA client can be configured in PLCnext Engineer from version 2023.3. We recommend to use PLCnext Engineer for the configuration (see also Tutorial – OPC UA setup for PLCnext Control). The configuration can also be performed using an additional… Read More

Communication interfaces – Overview

Communication interfaces – Overview The PLCnext Runtime System comes with built-in communication interfaces. Depending on the firmware release on your PLCnext Control, the set of features can be different.  Here you will find a description to every communication interface: OPC UA Server OPC UA Client OPC UA PubSub Remote Service Calls (RSC)… Read More

Querying notifications via RSC INotificationLoggerService

Querying notifications via RSC INotificationLoggerService Notifications that have been saved by means of the Notification Logger can be queried via RSC interfaces, and one that is already provided with the PLCnext Runtime System is thisINotificationLoggerService.  With the release of the PLCnext Control RFC 4072R which is the first PLCnext Control device made for system redundancy, an additionalINotificationLoggerService2 is provided… Read More

RSC Axioline Services

RSC Axioline Services The Axioline component can be extended via interfaces for Axioline services. You can use one interface for acyclic communication (PdiRead, PdiWrite). This interface is available via the RSC protocol. The parameter data, diagnostic information, and status information (PDI = Parameters, Diagnostics and Information) of an… Read More


RSC PROFINET Services The PROFINET component can be extended via interfaces for PROFINET services. You can use one interface for acyclic communication (RecordRead, RecordWrite). The interface is available via the RSC protocol. The parameter data, diagnostic information, and status information (PDI = Parameters, Diagnostics and Information) of a PROFINET… Read More

RSC GDS services

RSC GDS services Note: The execution of RSC services can take some time. For this reason, avoid direct calls from ESM tasks that are scheduled for real-time execution. IDataAccessService During runtime, the function extensions can use the IDataAccessService interface to have read and write access to the GDS data. The… Read More

RSC (Remote Service Calls)

RSC (Remote Service Calls) Function extensions can communicate with the PLCnext Technology core components via the RSC interface. You can access various functions and data items via the interfaces. For example, you can gain read and write access to the Global Data Space (GDS) data using the IDataAccessService RSC service. … Read More

RSC documentation

RSC documentation Here’s an overview to the available documentation regarding the RSC services that are built into the PLCnext Runtime System. This reference will be updated over time. Note: From firmware release 2022.0 LTS on, RSC services can also communicate via gRPC. The respective protocol buffer definitions (.proto files) can be downloaded from our gRPC GitHub repository. Read More