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Proficloud – Time series data (TSD) connector

Proficloud – Time series data (TSD) connector Available from 2020.6 with AXC F 2152, and from 2021.0 LTS with most PLCnext Control devices In this topic you read how to set up the connector for using time series data via the Proficloud service. Scope of the Proficloud Proficloud offers an easy way of managing and maintaining remote PLCnext devices, such as… Read More

Alarms via OPC UA Server

Alarms via OPC UA Server Introduction Essential alarm status features Every alarm is oriented towards the OPC UA Alarms & Conditions specification and has these properties: Property Meaning or purpose Restrictions AlarmId The unique name of the alarm on the device.   AlarmType… Read More

DaUM changelog

DaUM changelog This topic lists changes made to the Device and Update Management in updates, beginning with release 2023.9 (reverse order – most recent changes at the top). Release Windows® service 2024.6, PLCnext App It is now possible to restore a backup on another device of the same type.  Release Windows® service 2024.3, PLCnext App You can perform… Read More

Real-time DataLogger – Examples

Real-time DataLogger – Examples Available from firmware 2019.3 Since this DataLogger is a versatile tool for a wide array of use cases, there is an overwhelming number of parameters and options to configure a session for best results. In this topic, you will find the settings for a bunch of typical use… Read More

Real-time DataLogger 

Real-time DataLogger  Available from firmware 2019.3 Use Case As soon as you record consumption values, need to prove energy feeds, or possibly have to log plant states, you need a reliable data acquisition. With the PLCnext Real-time DataLogger, you now have a convenient way to do all these use cases… Read More

DataLogger configuration as a flowchart

DataLogger configuration as a flowchart Available from firmware 2019.3 Due to the multiple scenarios a DataLogger session can be used for, there are a bunch of decisions to make during the configuration. Here’s a visual guide for that. Usability tip: For a convenient scaling of the chart, just hide the… Read More

Proficloud – Connecting to the service

Proficloud – Connecting to the service Available from 2020.6 with AXC F 2152,  from 2021.0 LTS with most PLCnext Control devices (see scope below) In this topic, you read how to prepare your PLCnext Control for working with the Proficloud service. Scope of the Proficloud Proficloud offers an easy way of managing and maintaining remote PLCnext devices, such as controllers in off-shore wind power… Read More

Redundancy in PLCnext Technology

Redundancy in PLCnext Technology In engineering, redundant systems are key for enhancing operational reliability: Critical components are intentionally duplicated (in safety-critical systems: triplicated) to provide a permanent backup or fail-safe to take over operations immediately in case the main component fails.  In PLCnext Technology, redundancy is implemented in… Read More

Real-time DataLogger configuration

Real-time DataLogger configuration Available from firmware 2019.3 There are different ways available to set up and configure a DataLogger session: from firmware 2019.3: configuration based on an XML file from firmware 2020.6, additionally: via PLCnext Engineer via RSC IDataLoggerService2 (reading values, handling a session) Let’s see which way… Read More

Real-time DataLogger – Tutorial videos

Real-time DataLogger – Tutorial videos Available from 2019.6 – some features came in with later firmware releases Note: Tutorial videos are embedded from the Phoenix Contact Technical Support YouTube channel.  With playing an embedded YouTube video in this platform, you accept the YouTube Terms & Conditions. Even showing the video previews on… Read More