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Features  Below is an overview with the features in the Device and Update Management versions and the matching PLCnext device firmware versions.  PLCnext device firmware versions You can use the following DaUM features if the devices to be updated have at least the specified firmware version. DaUM feature PLCnext device firmware version[1] 2023.0 LTS 2023.3 2023.6… Read More

Update plans overview

Update plans overview On this page you get an overview of all update plans in the system.  You can configure or delete existing update plans and create a new update plan.  Once you have created an update plan, you can add assets. On the UPDATE PLANS… Read More

User roles and rights in the Device and Update Management

User roles and rights in the Device and Update Management Note: When you start the Device and Update Management app, the user roles displayed in the table below are added to the UserManager of your EPC 15×2. When you delete the app, these user roles are not automatically deleted, but remain in the UserManager of the… Read More

Trouble shooting  

Trouble shooting   You have encountered a problem? Find the solution here: General When I try to update a new device via the DaUM during initial commissioning, the update fails.When I try to update a new device via the DaUM during initial commissioning, the update fails. Read More

Administration – Certificate tab

Administration – Certificate tab On the CERTIFICATE tab you make all settings around the certificates. CA certificate If you use the internal GDS, the CA certificate is already pre-entered.  The CA certificate is the root certificate from which the Device and Update Management derives further certificates. If you regenerate the… Read More

Example workflow 

Example workflow  In this section you can see an example workflow. For details on the individual steps, see the linked topics. Create a connection to an OPC UA server and scan this connection for assets. Manage your assets. Add update packages.  Create an update plan. Read More

Update packages overview

Update packages overview On this page you get an overview of the update packages. Currently there are two types of update packages: firmware and software. You can find each of them on the corresponding tab.  Firmware update packages – areas and functions You can search for… Read More


Backups General information Backup and restore mechanisms are used for fast recommissioning after a possible system failure or device reset. Previously backed up data is transferred to the same PLCnext device and the original status is restored. In this version the PLCnext Backup app is responsible… Read More

Register in GDS

Register in GDS If you create a connection via + REGISTER IN GDS, then it is directly in the GDS and the specified devices are directly known to the GDS. You still have to connect it.  Register To register an application, click the + REGISTER IN… Read More

Administration – GDS tab

Administration – GDS tab On the GDS tab you make all settings around the GDS (Global Discovery Server). GDS support In the GDS support area you specify whether you want to use a GDS or not. You also specify whether you want to use the internal… Read More