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Supported elementary data types

Supported elementary data types The following table shows all supported data types throughout the standards.  Note: All these data types can be used in a one-dimensional array. All these data types but arrays can be used a structure.   PLCnext Engineer C++ C#… Read More

Retain variables in Extended Retain Handling

Retain variables in Extended Retain Handling General retain memory concept Traditionally a PLC offers two types of memory: Volatile memory: values are lost on power down (usual RAM).  Retain memory: values are kept during power down so these values can be restored on power return. Read More


Diagnostics If something goes not they way you want in your automation project, these methods will help to find and remedy the cause: Notifications Notifications of PLCnext Runtime Security Notifications of PLCnext Runtime Log files output.log PLCnextapp log PROFINET diagnostic error codes… Read More

Core components of the PLCnext Technology

Core components of the PLCnext Technology PLCnext Technology is an open firmware platform executed on a Linux operating system with real-time patch. Different firmware components forming the core functions are called core components. These core components are a fixed part of the PLCnext Technology firmware. They cannot be modified. The core components… Read More

Netload Limiter

Netload Limiter Available for these devices: AXC F 1152 and AXC F 2152 from 2022.0 LTS AXC F 3152 from 2020.6 RFC 4072S from 2019.9 With the Netload Limiter, PLCnext Control devices offer an option to limit the CPU load caused by received Ethernet telegrams.  During normal operation, an increased amount of Ethernet telegrams may occur for a short time. Read More

Global Data Space (GDS)

Global Data Space (GDS) The GDS enables communication relationships and data exchange between tasks and programs that were created in different programming languages. The GDS also ensures that inconsistencies as shown in the following example are prevented:  While tasks are being processed and data is being exchanged… Read More

Supported port connectors

Supported port connectors Connectors The programs of a PLCnext Technology application communicate via IN ports and OUT ports. Only a combination of specific data types is supported. Note:  When setting the IN and OUT ports with PLCnext Engineer, you can only enter permitted combinations of data types. In case you’re… Read More

Configuration files

Configuration files Although PLCnext Engineer is the recommended tool you can load programs and program instances onto the controller even without using the PLCnext Engineer. This also applies to files in .pcwlx libraries programmed in C++ by using the Eclipse® IDE with PLCnext Technology Add-in, or Visual Studio® with PLCnext Technology Extension, or the PLCnext CLI. Read More