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Additional firewall filters via nftables

Additional firewall filters via nftables In addition to the PLCnext Technology filter table, you can activate other filter tables. This might be necessary if you require certain functions that are not supported by the firewall configuration via the WBM. This additional configuration is implemented via independent filter tables. You… Read More

Using Security Profiles

Using Security Profiles Available from 2022.0 LTS for the PLCnext Control AXC F x152 series, and from 2023.0 LTS for RFC 4072S Security configurations can be edited and stored by users in persistent profiles which need to be activated and deactivated via the Web-based Management (WBM) on demand via the Security profiles page. If no security profile is active all security-related settings… Read More

Authentication failure handling

Authentication failure handling If a PLCnext device denies access because of invalid credentials for a specific user name, it usually is no big deal – just try again with the valid credentials. But a failing user authenticationalways starts a cascade of events. Access to a PLCnext device is handled by the User Manager for all… Read More

Password complexity rules

Password complexity rules Please note the guidelines in our PLCnext Security Info Center. For developing secure-by-design, IEC 62443-2 compliant applications with PLCnext Technology, get a good grasp of the concepts used in the security context. User authentication usually requires a set of restrictions as to how long and complex a password… Read More

Industrial Cyber Security

Industrial Cyber Security Cyber security in the industrial automation gains more attention in the upcoming years, so PLCnext Technology is going to develop faster in this regard. Come back to this section for more features, basic information and tutorials. Security Note: For security issues and possible vulnerabilities, please… Read More

LDAP connection – file-based configuration

LDAP connection – file-based configuration Concept  The LDAP server enables central management of the users in a network (e.g. a Microsoft Active Directory). The PLCnext user authentication can be connected to an LDAP server. A central user management allows to manage user accounts, their passwords and group memberships at a central level. With an LDAP… Read More