Legal Information

Terms and Conditions

Here you can open the terms and conditions for the PLCnext Community.

> Terms and Conditions

Liability, Copyright, Trademark Protection

The contents of our website have been created with meticulous care and based on current knowledge. However, we are only responsible for them within the framework of the general laws. As a service provider, we are liable for third-party contents at the earliest from the date of knowledge of a specific infringement. We reserve the right to fully or partially change or delete contents as far as legal obligations remain unaffected thereof.

Contents of third-party services, to which we refer directly or indirectly, are beyond our responsibility and we do not adopt them as our own. At the time the link was set, infringing contents of the linked services were not apparent to us. Since we have no influence of any kind on the current and future design of the contents of the linked services, we expressly distance ourselves from all contents of the linked services that have been modified after the link was set. The provider of the linked service is solely liable for all contents and in particular for damages resulting from the use of the retrievable information in the linked services. If we become aware of illegal, unlawful or inaccurate contents of services to which we link, we will remove the link.

All contents shown are subject to the provisions of the Copyright and Trademark Law. Any use, duplication, public access and other application are subject to the rights of the respective author or rights holder. The (partial) presentation in external frames or similar references, etc, shall only be allowed, to the extent permitted by law, with our prior consent.

Digital Services Act

Information on the European Digital Services Act (DSA).

Contact point for authorities & users (in the following languages: German and English):

Email address:

Reporting form for illegal/suspicious content

Here you have the possibility to report illegal content. Please state the reason and tell us the URL in the PLCnext Community.

Reporting Form, Art. 16 DSA
Please confirm:
Anti-Robot Verification
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Active users according to the Digital Services Act

The average number of monthly active users in the EU over the past six months on the online platform for the online sale and management of licenses: 3.000 active Users (06/2024)

Transparency reports

The reports are published every year.