Makers Blog Archive

Control your application with voice commands

Stefan Brinkmann 08 May 2019 min. read
208 views 0 comments

For the voice recognition we use a device which is developed by a German company called voice INTER connect. Together with another company phytec they created the voice control kit.

It is a combination of a small embedded single board computer of phytec together with the industrial voice control board of voice INTER connect. The voice control supports 30 languages and works completely offline. The spoken commands are sent out via MQTT in json format..

We liked this board so much that we integrated it in our parcel turning device training hardware.

Here is our setup:


The MQTT data is send to node-red running on the AXC F 2152. The json string is parsed in node-red and sent via UDP to the IEC61131-3 program on the controller. Here is an image of the flow and a sample json string.

nodered 01
nodered 02

The function node “extract command” converts this json string into a simple string “machine on” which is sent to the AXC F 2152 controller. In the IEC61131 program a function block is used to convert the received commands into variables to control the machine.

pcworx 01

Here is a video of the machine with voice control:


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