Makers Blog

How to create a client for the PLCnext Control gRPC server in C#

Martin PLCnext Team 09 March 2022 min. read
1,297 views 2 comments

Firmware version 2022.0 LTS introduces a gRPC server on AXC F 1152 and AXC F 2152 devices. This gRPC server provides a way for client applications to access RSC services on the PLCnext Control device. The client applications can be:

    • Run anywhere – locally on the PLCnext Control device, or on a remote machine*.

    • Hosted in an OCI container.

(* remote access will be available at the earliest in firmware version 2024.0 LTS … possibly not until later)

General information on the gRPC server in PLCnext Control devices is available in the PLCnext Info Center.

This article describes how to create a simple gRPC client application in C#, running on a PLCnext Control device.


The procedure below uses:

    • AXC F 2152 running firmware version 2022.0.3 LTS or later.

    • PLCnext Engineer version 2022.0.1 LTS or later.

    • Visual Studio 2019 (any edition).


1. Using the Web-based Management page, make sure the service named GRPC LOCAL SERVER is activated.

2. Create a new PLCnext Engineer project for your target device. This project should have:

    • A program with an OUT port variable called AI1, of type INT.

    • An instance of that program called MainInstance1.

3. Send the PLCnext Engineer project to the target device.

4. In Visual Studio, create an empty C# console application by following Steps 1-3 of the procedure described in the earlier Makers Blog post.

5. In the Project => Property window, set the project Target framework to “.NET 5.0”.

6. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the Solution, select “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution…”, and install the following NuGet packages:

    • Grpc.Tools

    • Grpc.Net.Client

    • Google.Protobuf

7. Copy the protobuf folder containing the protobuf definition files to the project source folder. Protobuf is the Interface Definition Language (IDL) used to describe gRPC services.

8. In the project configuration file, add a reference to the .proto file(s) for the services that will be used in the project. The ItemGroup section of the project configuration will now look something like this:

9. Replace the contents of the project .cs file with this code (you may need to change the namespace name):

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using Grpc.Net.Client;
using Arp.Device.Interface.Services.Grpc;
using Arp.Plc.Gds.Services.Grpc;

namespace ConsoleApp1
	class Program
		static void Main()
			// The code to connect to a Unix Domain Socket is from:

			var udsEndPoint = new UnixDomainSocketEndPoint("/run/plcnext/grpc.sock");
			var connectionFactory = new UnixDomainSocketConnectionFactory(udsEndPoint);
			var socketsHttpHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler
				ConnectCallback = connectionFactory.ConnectAsync

			// Create a gRPC channel to the PLCnext unix socket
			using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost", new GrpcChannelOptions
				HttpHandler = socketsHttpHandler

			// Create a gRPC client for the Device Status Service on that channel
			var grpc_status_client = new IDeviceStatusService.IDeviceStatusServiceClient(channel);

			// Create a gRPC client for the Data Access Service on that channel
			var grpc_data_client = new IDataAccessService.IDataAccessServiceClient(channel);

			// Create an item to get from the Device Status Service
			// Item identifiers are listed in the PLCnext Info Center:

			var item = new IDeviceStatusServiceGetItemRequest();
			item.Identifier = "Status.Board.Temperature.Centigrade";

			// Create a variable to get from the Data Access Service
			var data = new IDataAccessServiceReadSingleRequest();
			data.PortName = "Arp.Plc.Eclr/MainInstance1.AI1";

			// Response variables
			IDeviceStatusServiceGetItemResponse grpc_status_response;
			IDataAccessServiceReadSingleResponse grpc_data_response;

			// Endless loop
			while (true)
				// Request the item from the Device Status Service
				grpc_status_response = grpc_status_client.GetItem(item);

				// Request data from the Data Access Service
				grpc_data_response = grpc_data_client.ReadSingle(data);

				// Report the results
				var temperature = grpc_status_response.ReturnValue.Int8Value;
				var ai1 = grpc_data_response.ReturnValue.Value.Int16Value;

				Console.WriteLine("Board Temperature = " + temperature + "°C");
				Console.WriteLine("MainInstance1.AI1 = " + ai1);

				// Wait for 1 second

	public class UnixDomainSocketConnectionFactory
		private readonly EndPoint _endPoint;

		public UnixDomainSocketConnectionFactory(EndPoint endPoint)
			_endPoint = endPoint;

		public async ValueTask<Stream> ConnectAsync(SocketsHttpConnectionContext _,
			CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
			var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.Unix, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Unspecified);

				await socket.ConnectAsync(_endPoint, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
				return new NetworkStream(socket, true);

10. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the Solution and open a Terminal.

11. In the terminal, execute the following commands:

dotnet build ConsoleApp1.csproj
dotnet publish -c RELEASE -r linux-arm .ConsoleApp1.csproj -o MyApp

… where ConsoleApp1 is the name of the solution, and MyApp is the name of the output directory where the application will be published. The application can also be published in DEBUG mode if required.

12. Copy the output directory and all its contents to the PLC using (for example) scp or WinSCP.

scp -r MyApp admin@

13. Open a shell session on the PLC using (for example) ssh or PuTTY.

14. Make sure that the executable has execute privileges:

$ chmod a+x /opt/plcnext/MyApp/ConsoleApp1

15. Run the application:

$ /opt/plcnext/MyApp/ConsoleApp1

The output should be similar to:

Board Temperature = 50°C
MainInstance1.AI1 = 0
Board Temperature = 50°C
MainInstance1.AI1 = 0
Board Temperature = 50°C
MainInstance1.AI1 = 0
Board Temperature = 50°C
MainInstance1.AI1 = 0

16. In PLCnext Engineer, go online and change the value of the AI1 variable. The value reported by the application should change.

References and other resources

1. .NET Core ❤ gRPC

2. Call gRPC services with the .NET client

3. A curated list of useful resources for gRPC


The Makers Blog shows applications and user stories of community members that are not tested or reviewed by Phoenix Contact. Use them at your own risk.


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Martin PLCnext Team 22.05.2023

The article has been updated to reflect the delay in the release of the remote gRPC feature.

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javirivela 03.08.2023

Hello, What could it be the right RuntimeIdentifier to run a .Net app in an EPC 15x2 or an AXC F 3152? I've already tried with linux-64 but it doesn't work for me. Thanks!

Martin PLCnext Team 03.08.2023

Hi Javier, your question would apply more generally to the procedure in the article "How to create a simple PLCnext console application in C#" (referenced in the "Prerequisites" section above) . In that article, you should be able to skip Step 3, and in Step 5 (and Step 11 in this article) you should exclude the option "-r linux-arm" from the "dotnet publish" command. Does that work?

Martin PLCnext Team 03.08.2023

... actually my previous comment is probably wrong. "linux-x64" should work (not "linux-64").

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