Makers Blog

How to create a client for the PLCnext Control gRPC server in C#

Martin PLCnext Team 09 March 2022 min. read
1,238 views 2 comments


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Martin PLCnext Team 22.05.2023

The article has been updated to reflect the delay in the release of the remote gRPC feature.

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javirivela 03.08.2023

Hello, What could it be the right RuntimeIdentifier to run a .Net app in an EPC 15x2 or an AXC F 3152? I've already tried with linux-64 but it doesn't work for me. Thanks!

Martin PLCnext Team 03.08.2023

Hi Javier, your question would apply more generally to the procedure in the article "How to create a simple PLCnext console application in C#" (referenced in the "Prerequisites" section above) . In that article, you should be able to skip Step 3, and in Step 5 (and Step 11 in this article) you should exclude the option "-r linux-arm" from the "dotnet publish" command. Does that work?

Martin PLCnext Team 03.08.2023

... actually my previous comment is probably wrong. "linux-x64" should work (not "linux-64").

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