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Project Launch

turquoise background with honeycomb structure and project images in the honeycombs, bee in the upper left corner

The first Beehyve Projects are in!

We are more than proud to announce that our first projects for the Beehyve are in and we can now share them with all of you on our website!

After our successful launch on Slack, we have already received numerous ideas aimed at improving the lives of bees and beekeepers. In fact, several project groups have already been formed and have come a good deal closer to achieving this goal.

We are truly impressed by the creativity and innovation of our community, and we are eagerly anticipating the submission of many more projects. But we won’t keep you waiting any longer. You can now visit our community website to learn more about the submitted projects, including their mission, objectives, and how they plan to achieve them.

Let’s meet our first projects:

  1. Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover: They are building a digital twin of our beehive
  2. Mirasoft: They visualizing the data in the cloud
  3. Phoenix Contact: Let’s build up our first prototype beehive in our HQ
  4. They get the data into the cloud
  5. Sokratel: They are developing an app for farmers to know when to spray their fields in the most bee friendly way

So what are you waiting for? Head over to our website now to learn more about the Beehyve projects and become a part of this exciting community project to support bees and beekeepers.

Together, we can make a real difference!

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Julia Zurheide
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