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Functional safety in the environment of industry 4.0

Functional safety is a property of a machine or system that guarantees that it does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health during operation. Dangers can arise, for example, at direct physical human-machine interfaces due to unforeseeable or undetected technical faults in the machine. Organizational and technical measures of… Read More

Anomaly detection on a production machine by means of time-triggered hybrid automatic machines

No manual programming of complex rules and algorithms In automation, the use of machine learning is becoming increasingly widespread, with the application often focusing on already familiar subject areas: Condition Monitoring (CM) and Predictive Maintenance (PM). In a use case, data from normal plant operation is used to learn a… Read More

Hello world, you look so different

A virus shakes the world and the world as we know it is now a different one. The changes affect our everyday life, our work and private life, our plans for the future and sometimes our view of the past. We are facing new challenges. Challenges for which we do… Read More

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Automation – Part 2

Applications with AI Artificial intelligence can be used very quickly and easily for the quality control of products. There are ready-to-use AI-based software solutions that evaluate image material from industrial cameras in real time. Based on the images, the AI system learns what the product looks like in ideal condition… Read More

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Automation – Part 1

Modern machines and production facilities supply vast amounts of data. The art lies in generating added value from this information. With artificial intelligence, correlations can be formed and processes can be optimized by self-learning. To do this, however, mechanical engineers and plant operators need a future-proof technological basis on which… Read More

The basics of cloud-computing – Part 1

The trend towards the digitization of industrial applications involves risks as well as opportunities. For example, large computing capacities and considerable storage capacities are required. Cloud computing enables companies to process and evaluate these growing volumes of data in order to optimize the entire value chain on the basis of… Read More