The app description file must contain a JSON object with the name "plcnextapp", which describes the properties of the PLCnext Technology App:
"plcnextapp": {
"name": "<app name>",
"identifier": "<App Identifier>",
"version": "<version>",
"target": "<target controller>",
"minfirmware_version": "<min plcnext firmware version>",
"manufacturer": "<plcnext app manufacturer>",
"licensetype": "<required license for the app>"
Chose a name that describes the app. The app name entered here should correspond to the name used in the PLCnext Store. Only use designations that do not violate any trademark policies.
An unique app identifier assigned by the PLCnext Store on app creation (the combination of Firm Code / Product Code). It is going to be used for creating unique folder names, which will be marked with <App Identifier> throughout this guide.

A version string identifying the current version of the app. The following notation should be observed:
Full (external) version format:
<Name> ( <major>.<minor>.<patch>.<build> <state>)
Valid cases:
abc ( alpha)
abc (1.2.3 alpha)
abc (1.2 alpha)
abc (1 alpha)
abc (
abc (1.2.3)
abc (1.2)
abc (1)
Internal version format:
<major>.<minor>.<patch>.<build> <state>
Valid cases: alpha
1.2.3 alpha
1.2 alpha
1 alpha
Limitation of numerical values:
- major, minor and patch: unsigned 8 bit
- build: unsigned 32 bit
the controller this app is intended to run on. To be recognized automatically this string has to be identical to the representation in the WBM of the controller under Information → Type. The target may contain:
- a single target entry:
- e.g. "target": "AXC F 2152"
- supported in all PLCnext firmware version from 19.0.0.
- several entries of supported targets, which are separated from each other by a comma
- e.g. "target": "AXC F 2152,AXC F 1152"
- Attention: please enter the target name without any additional characters or spaces.
- Bad example: "AXC F 2152, AXC F 1152"
- supported in the PLCnext firmware from version 2021.0
the minimally required firmware version to run the app in the format <major version>.<minor version>.<fixes> e.g. 19.0.0 for the LTS version of 2019.
Manufacturer name (optional entry. Default value is an empty string. Available in firmware from version 19.3.0.)
App license type needed for app management to set the action required when an app has no valid license.
(Optional entry. Default string value is "Free". Available in firmware from Version 20.0.0):
- "Free": The app is license free and may start without valid license file.
- "Full": The app requires a valid license. Without a valid license the app...:
- will be stopped on system start if it runs.
- is not allowed to start e.g. after offline installation via WBM.
- "Limited": The app requires a valid license to run with full functionality. Without it the app may start with "limited" functionality.