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Port protection and port alerts 

Port protection and port alerts  Infected hardware, like USB sticks or laptops, can transfer malware to the network. The following measures can be taken to prevent this: Configure the port security function of the devices involved in a way that unknown devices cannot exchange data with the… Read More

Restricted mobile access: protecting a WLAN by password 

Restricted mobile access: protecting a WLAN by password  Unauthorized smart devices must not be able to connect themselves via the WLAN interface. For that reason, your strict password rules should also apply to all wireless access points in your ICS.  WLAN components from Phoenix Contact enable automated… Read More

About this guideline 

About this guideline  Validity of this guideline The present documentation is not specifically related to any specific device or software version. It is rather to be understood as generic information which has to be supplemented by the related product-specific information given in the respective device manual or… Read More


VPN  Via open Internet connections, criminals can copy data or make changes to the system. Using firewalls, the access to automation systems from the external networks can be restricted to authorized connections.  In addition, remote connections via the Internet should always be encrypted, for example via a… Read More

Protection of project data on the hard disk and during transfer 

Protection of project data on the hard disk and during transfer  Engineering and parameterization tools (e.g. PLCnext Engineer) often store plain, i.e., unencrypted project data on the harddisk of your computer. The data is therefore unprotected against tampering and theft. Use a suitable encryption method:  to… Read More

Plant management 

Plant management  Making (physical) on-site access controllable In addition to the remote access, the “physical access” on site must also be controlled and restricted if necessary. To prevent damage due to unauthorized access: Make sure that only authorized access is possible. Protect the interfaces by… Read More

Keys: PSK, private/public

Keys: PSK, private/public This topic introduces basic knowledge on keys.  Pre-shared Keys (PSK) Pre-shared keys (PSKs) can be used for authentication purposes. When establishing, for example, a VPN or WLAN connection, the PSK is used for exchanging the (symmetric) session key between the applications involved. Read More

ICS security concept by Phoenix Contact

ICS security concept by Phoenix Contact This topic describes how Phoenix Contact solves the requirements regarding cyber-security.  Note: This description and the illustrations in this chapter are schematic and exemplary in nature. They do not claim to be complete. Details on technical implementations and practical realization can… Read More