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Checking the integrity state 

Checking the integrity state  If the Security Profile is activated, an integrity state check is performed after each boot and log-in to the WBM.  The integrity state is displayed in the WBM in the page header line right to the Security Profile state field.  Note: Every event… Read More

Integrity check of downloaded software or firmware files

Integrity check of downloaded software or firmware files IEC 62443 requires mandatory integrity check of software or firmware downloaded via Internet against tampering attacks. After downloading a setup file for any application (Windows/Linux) or a firmware file for a controller from the Internet, prior to its installation… Read More

Generic security concept 

Generic security concept  Defense-in-depth design of automation systems is an important IEC 62443 process measure to achieve reliable security. The result is a generic layered architecture that leads step-by-step to a fully segmented network layer structure that describes the PLCnext Technology security architecture and the security use cases in… Read More

Security measures – an overview

Security measures – an overview To achieve security in an automation system, a holistic approach is necessary. An adequate security concept must be drawn up that covers technologies used, the defined processes, and the people involved. Both technological and organizational measures must be taken into account. Many… Read More

Secure disposal 

Secure disposal  You must safely decommission the controller so that no sensitive, confidential and/or manufacturer-specific data and software remain on the device. Check the national GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) to comply with and make sure that attackers can’t access confidential security information’s from the deinstalled or disposed… Read More

Activating OPC UA Client

Activating OPC UA Client To activate OPC UA Client, proceed as follows:  Log in to the WBM.  Return to topicHow do I get to the WBM again? Click here for more information…  Establishing a connection to the Web-based Management (WBM): Open a web browser on your… Read More

Checking the device 

Checking the device  Log in to the WBM.  Return to topicHow do I get to the WBM again? Click here for more information…  Establishing a connection to the Web-based Management (WBM): Open a web browser on your computer. In the address field, enter the… Read More

Perform backup and restore

Perform backup and restore To perform a backup and restore in this security context, use the PLCnext Security Backup app. You can get the app via the PLCnext Store. Note: You need admin rights to install and use the app. Backup To perform a backup, proceed… Read More

Activating OPC UA Server 

Activating OPC UA Server  To activate OPC UA Server, proceed as follows:  Log in to the WBM.  Return to topicHow do I get to the WBM again? Click here for more information…  Establishing a connection to the Web-based Management (WBM): Open a web browser… Read More

Configuring central logging 

Configuring central logging  Logging in the security context only makes sense in a network. When configuring the SysLog, you set to which higher-level server the data is sent and which data it is.  For information on basic security logging, refer to the topic Security logging.  For further… Read More