System variables - PROFINET

Available for AXC F x152RFC 4072S ‒ for RFC 4072R see System variables - Redundancy

The following tables list the PROFINET system variables of the integrated PROFINET controller and  PROFINET device functionality.  

PROFINET controller functionality

System variable Type Description
PNIO_SYSTEM_BF BOOL No connection to a configured PROFINET device
An error has occurred in the PROFINET network, i.e., a connection could not be established to at least one configured PROFINET device. This value is not set if the Control BF parameter was set to FALSE for a PROFINET device. The PROFINET device has therefore been excluded from connection monitoring.
PNIO_SYSTEM_SF BOOL Diagnostic alarm on a configured PROFINET device
At least one PROFINET device is indicating a system error (diagnostic alarm or maintenance alarm). The error priority can be determined from the PNIO_DIAG_AVAILABLE, PNIO_MAINTENANCE_DEMANDED, and PNIO_MAINTENANCE_REQUIRED variables.
At least one PROFINET device is indicating the “maintenance demand” alarm (high-priority maintenance alarm) with an active connection. The PROFINET device can be identified using the RALRM diagnostic block.
At least one PROFINET device is indicating the “maintenance requirement” alarm (low-priority maintenance alarm) with an active connection. The PROFINET device can be identified using the RALRM diagnostic block.
PNIO_FORCE_FAILSAFE BOOL All PROFINET devices are prompted to set their configured substitute values.
If required the system variable can be written/set from the program.
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS WORD Configuration status of the PROFINET controller
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_READY BOOL This variable is set if the PROFINET controller has been initialized correctly. No desired configuration has been loaded by PLCnext Engineer yet.
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_ACTIVE BOOL This variable is set if the desired configuration for the PROFINET controller has been loaded.
In this state, the PROFINET controller attempts to cyclically establish a connection to all devices in the desired configuration (under the PROFINET icon).
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_CFG_FAULT BOOL The desired PROFINET controller configuration has not been applied due to a serious error.
In this case, please contact Phoenix Contact.
(only with AXC F 2152 or AXC F 3152)
BOOL Function blocks use this variable for applicative redundancy to specify the SRL role of the PROFINET controller.

PROFINET device functionality

System variable Type Description
PND_S1_PLC_RUN BOOL Status of the higher-level PROFINET controller
Information indicating whether the higher-level PROFINET controller is active. The value is TRUE if the higher-level PROFINET controller is in the RUN state (program is being processed). The display only applies when there is an existing PROFINET connection (PND_S1_VALID_DATA_CYCLE).
PND_S1_VALID_DATA_CYCLE BOOL The higher-level PROFINET controller has established the connection.
Information indicating whether a connection exists and cyclic data is being exchanged between the PROFINET controller and PROFINET device (AXC F 1152 or AXC F 2152), and whether the last frame received contained valid data.
PND_S1_OUTPUT_STATUS_GOOD BOOL IOP status of the higher-level PROFINET controller
Information indicating whether the input process data (PND_S1_INPUTS) was received by the PROFINET device with the “valid” status. The value is TRUE if the output data of the higher-level PROFINET controller is valid (provider status).
PND_S1_INPUT_STATUS_GOOD BOOL IOC status of the higher-level PROFINET controller

Process data length that was configured for the PROFINET device

From firmware version 2023.0 LTS the data length of the PND_S1_DATA_LENGTH variable can be adjusted. The data length is set in the PROFINET configuration of the higher-level PROFINET controller and transferred to the PROFINET device when the connection is established.

PND_S1_OUTPUTS PND_IO_512 Output process data
Memory area for output process data that the PROFINET device sends to the higher-level PROFINET controller.
From firmware version 2023.0 LTS the maximum amount of data is defined in PND_S1_DATA_LENGTH. Maximum 512 bytes are supported.
PND_S1_INPUTS PND_IO_512 Input process data
Memory area for input process data that the PROFINET device receives from the higher-level PROFINET controller.
From firmware version 2023.0 LTS the maximum amount of data is defined in PND_S1_DATA_LENGTH. Maximum 512 bytes are supported.
PND_IO_DRIVEN_BYPLC INT Applicative system redundancy – number of the PROFINET controller currently connected to the PROFINET device.
Specifies the higher-level PROFINET controller from which the data in the PROFINET device originates. 
0: No PROFINET controller
1: PROFINET controller A
2: PROFINET controller B


• Published/reviewed: 2024-09-24   ☀  Revision 073 •